Pattern Letter Fonts

Pattern letter fonts are used for a variety of purposes. When used with foundry patterns or match plates, the pattern letters are attached to the pattern. The letters or numbers identify and give the name and part fonts (1)numbers of the casting. This enables the customer to identify and order correct replacement parts. The leading style for pattern letters is a SHARP FACE GOTHIC. It is a clean design that draws perfectly from sand. Gothic style is illustrated above.

Some letters and numbers are used more frequently than others. An assortment that has multiples of these letters and numbers is called a Letter Font. Using a Pattern Letter Font helps to eliminate the constant problem of re-ordering the more frequently used letters and numbers. The Font we suggest has been developed over years of experience in Pattern Shops and Foundries and contains 125 letters and figures in the following assortment:

5 – Each of the following: A, E, I, N, O, P, R, S, T, 1, 9

3 – Each of the following: B, C, D, F, G, H, J, L, M, U, W, Y, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 0

2 – Each of the following: K, Q, V, X, Z

Sizes available:

Part # -031639 – 1/8″ SFG- call 217-446-0941  for pricing

Part #-031625  -1/4″ SFG- call for pricing

Part #-031640 – 1/2″ SFG- item is on our online store – Molders tools and supplies category

Part #- 031638 – 1″ SFG-call for pricing


NOTE: All standard letters are made from white metal (lead).  Raised side shown as below and flat side on reverse.