Ingot Molds / Charging Tongs - from MIFCO

MIFCO - McEnglevan Industrial Furnace Company, Inc

Ingot Molds / Charging Tongs

Ingot Molds for the Foundry-made from mild steel and recommended for aluminum or brass melting.  Not for bronze melting.

Ingot Molds are an essential item in all shop foundries for handling and storing melted metal. Scrap metalingot can be fluxed, cleaned and poured into ingots, then stored for future requirements. The No. 12 size is used for pigging ingots because of the large capacity. The No. 6 is used for draining crucible after the final heat.

No. 6 INGOT MOLD # 030750
Metal mold used to form ingots from extra molten metal remaining in crucible. Ingot size 6″ long, 3-1/2″ wide, 1-1/2″ thick. Overall dimensions: 9″ x 12″. Approximate weight is 11 lbs.

No. 12 INGOT MOLD # 030760
Metal mold used for pigging cleaned scrap and remelt metal into ingots for storage. Ingot size 10-3/4″ long, 3-1/2″ wide, 1-1/2″ thick. Ideal size for stacking, for storage and melting. Overall dimensions: 11″ x 14″. Approximate weight is 20 lbs.

Pick-Up Tongs

Special tongs required for handling hot castings or for charging additional metal to the crucible during melt-down. The 24 inch is normally used for shake-out, and the 42 inch for charging. (Not guaranteed for picking up casting over 25 lbs.) MAXIMUM OPENING approx. 8 INCHES
